To See You Smile
by Leah Black

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of it’s characters…save in my dreams.

CLAIMER: I OWN HAYANA!! NO STEALING!! Or Kurama will lop yer mangy head off.

Authors Note: This is a poem from Kurama’s point of view about my character, Hayana. She’s from my fanfic “Moegara Kaze” (found on ). When they first meet, her feelings for him swiftly go from hate to annoyance to utter confusion, and then finally to love, while he seems to know all along how he feels about her. Even so, she fascinates him, and thus, poetry. Enjoy!


Why is it that
Amidst all of my careful calculations, planned actions
You smile
And my world dissolves around me?

How is it that
So small an action
Such a little thing, a catalyst
Can make me react as I do?

To see you smile
Is worth all the treasure I have ever seen
And more.
To think that I once prized
Material things!
When such a fleeting glimmer of joy
Is what I truly live for.

To see the light in your eyes
The look on your face
(is it really only there
because of me?)
Steals my very breath.

I cannot help but wonder
Why no other woman
--ever, in my long years—
has made my heart sing like you.

You captivate me,
Read me like an open book, and you
Like the riddle unsolvable
Walk through my life
Gracing my memories
With your presence.

What did I do
To deserve such a gift?
And oh, my love,
I would do anything
To see you smile.