gallery >> official art
Not much here... sorry. :P If you really wanna download tons of official art... I suggest you go to the other YYH sites in my links page. All I have here are my favourites and some of the rare pics. (Rare ... as in I really haven't seen them on other pages a lot, but that might be just me. Heh) Well.. enjoy what we have here. ^_^
One of the new official YYH art after the series was re-run and released again in DVD in Japan. Promotion poster or something I think. I forget. Who cares, as long as I own it! It's BEAUTIFUL! And I scanned it for all of you to see... now bow to me! *DUCKS from flaming debris* Alright, alright. -_-; Look, Kurama knows more than just manipulating plants. ^_~
A lovely picture with Kurama and petals floating around him. Did he release those petals himself? *grins* Well, too bad he doesn't look very happy in here... He looks so... cool though. ^.~
Does he ever smile? Yes he does... :P But he looks just as good when looking cool, not smiling ... Anyway, don't you love it when he puts his hand in his hair? I obviously love his pose. ^-^
One of my every favourite
Kurama pictures. Now... what ISN'T nice about this one? He looks great here,
he's wearing a lovely outfit (Actually, this one happens to be one of my favourite
outfits of his ^-^) and he has a really GREAT pose with his Rose Whip. ^.~ If
you look closely, there are roses in the background too. Wai! ^-^
Teehee... yeah, if he were
really to smile for me... I'd melt immediately. *melts* Oops. ^.~ Actually,
I could do that at his every smile. C'mon, doesn't he look so sweet? Honestly,
this isn't the BEST picture out there... but he looks so CUTE!!